
We’ll be using gymnatsics to work on strength today. You’ll do one minute bouts of strict dips and strict pull-ups with a minute of rest between each for a total of 12 minutes. Don’t worry about counting reps today, just GET STRONGER. Kipping on these movements is considered a scale since we aim to build absolute strength here. Work in banded dips, negatives and ring rows as needed. For Conditioning today, you’ll be completing 4 rounds interval style. Set-up a weight that will allow quick dead lifts and light / moderate power cleans. You’ll have 2 minutes to get through as many rounds and reps as possible of 12 deads, 12 bar facing burpees and 6 power cleans. Go hard, since you’ll have 2 minutes rest between rounds. Your score for the day will be total reps.


Alternating EMOM x 12
Ring Dips x ME
B) Rest
Strict Pull-ups x ME


4 Rounds for total Reps with 2:00 rest between rounds
AMRAP in 2:00
12 Dead lifts (155/110)
12 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Power Cleans (same bar)

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