
The 3 rep power snatch is taken from the ground and lands in a power position (quarter squat). These should be touch and go reps, meaning you should hold onto the bar, but may rest in the hang position. For beginners, either do 3 rep HANG power snatches, or just practice single hang power or power snatches to work on form.


Take 15-20 Minutes to find a 3RM Power Snatch


AMRAP in 15 minutes:
30 double unders
20 burpees
10 box jumps, 24/20″
1 rope climb

1 Response
  1. Vin

    Matt S form / 3+46 RP
    Nate 115 / 3+56 RR
    Julia 60 / 3+50 scale
    Tanya 40/ 3+47 scale
    Dinger 95 / 3+38 SU
    KT 95 hang/ 5 Rx
    Jesse 105 / 3+45 scale
    Amanda form / 4+10 RR
    Rachael 70 / 4+6 scale
    Britt 75 / 3+38 scale
    Ryan 127.5 2+23 scale
    Moog 115 / 3+5 scale
    Alissa 95 / 3+59 SU
    Sizzle 130 / 3+10 Rx
    Robin 65 / 3+30 DU scale
    Wood 125 / 2+51 scale
    PH 135 / 3+36 DU scale
    Mike L 135 / 4+8 scale
    Gabe 155 / 3+50 Rx
    Panos 130 / did work
    Megs 80 / 4+ 36 Rx
    Molly 80 / 3+46 scale
    Ditty 80 / 2+ 34 scale
    Steph form / 4 scale
    Grant 165 / 5+ 58 Rx
    P 140 / 5 + 37 Rx
    John D 135 / 3+5 Rx
    Ramon 105 / 4+ 43
    Deery 135 / did work
    Courtney 65 / 4+37 scale
    Meghan x / 4+47 scale
    Shannon 60 / 3+ 33 RP
    Aileen 75 / 3 + 54 Rp
    Heath 90 / 4 + 34 scale
    Johnny 140 / 4+ 33Rx
    Frank 135 / 4 PU scale
    Andrew 115 / 4+2 SU / DU