
high res-2014-12-20-CF Thermal 1st Anniversary-122047-IMG_9526

Warm up with snatch technique – the snatches in the WOD may be power or full – your choice. Use parallettes for the shoot throughs – feet forward is 1, feet back is 2, etc. 20 minutes is a long time, so pace this workout accordingly.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Open! Sign up at www.games.crossfit.com – it takes 5 minutes to register!




AMRAP in 20 minutes:
4 snatches (power or full), 115/75#
8 wall balls, 20/14#
12 shoot throughs
16 double unders

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2 Responses
  1. Aileen

    Justice 115 / 7+5 RX
    Megs 75 / 6+24 RX
    Lisa 45 / 5+20 35# sc
    Becca form / 4+27 65#
    Ron C form / 6+4 70#
    Panos 115 / work

  2. Molly

    Matt C – 105/ 8+24 75#
    Nate – 105/ 8+33 75#
    Grant – 175/ 9+16 RX
    Jeff- 95/ 9+15 75#
    P – form/10 RX
    Marc Rizzo – 135/8+4 RX
    Eric D – 155/ 8+11RX
    VIN – X/9 RX