
Today let’s get back to gymnastics and work on our handstand progressions. Use the time to work on something harder than what you typically do in workouts.

For the metcon, “shoulder to overhead” means either a shoulder press, push press, or any kind of jerk. If you don’t have the shoulder and lat strength to do dynamic toes to bar, scale to V-ups.


A: 5 x 2 box walks/inverted attempts
B: 5×2 wall walks/inverted attempts
C: 5×5 kipping, strict, or deficit HSPU’s
D: 10 x 1 handstand walk or 5×2 freestand HSPU


For time:
Shoulder to overhead, 135/95#
Box jumps, 24/20″
Toes to bar




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1 Response
  1. Aileen

    Nick 12:05 RX
    Lisa P 12:57 45# sc
    Becca 16:28 80# sc
    KT 9:21 RX
    Megs 12:49 95# sub KB
    Roni 12:25 85#
    Tanya 11:30 45# sc

    Sizzle 10:40 105#
    Taylor 12:06 mod row
    Jesse 11:05 35# DB

    Molly 10:42 65# sc
    Doug 11:00 95# t2b rom
    Trish 10:29 65#
    PH 8:33 135# t2b rom
    Sarah 12:41 65# sub KB
    P 7:44 RX
    Britt 11:09 85# sc

    Dinger 11:39 105# sc
    Lisa S 10:14 55# sc
    Dave 9:21 115# step ups
    Murph 11:05 RX
    Joe 9:57 RX
    Danielle 10:35 80#
    Juliet 11:00 55#
    Sam 7:31 RX
    Sarah B 12:38 55#
    Molly O 10:29 65#
    Vin 6:24 RX
    Ron 6:42 135# step ups

    Matt C 10:57 115#
    Lloyd 11:08 RX
    Frank 11:40 115#
    A 11:12 95# mod