Throwdown – WOD Annoucement

On Thursday night at 7:30 2 teams will meet head to head in an epic Throwdown at CrossFit Thermal.  Here is their challenge:

For Time


10 rounds of:
12 deadlifts (115/75)
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerks (we will allow shoulder to overhead)

Teams will work in pairs consisting of two guys and two girls. Each pair must complete a total of 10 rounds (5 rounds each). Partners must switch after 1 round (1 round = 12, 9 and 6 reps).

Teams will get 2 barbells and 2 judges. Men and women will work at the same time, completing 1 round of DT before switching with their partner.

12 minute time cap.
Score is time completed (time for the men + time for the women). Any remaining reps will add 1 second per rep.

After Team DT – times will be converted to seconds and teams will have a chance at a second quick WOD to lower their DT times into an overal event score.

After a 5 minute rest

AMRAP in 2 minutes

Athlete 1 – max air squats (3:1)

Athlete 2 – max single unders (10:1)

Athlete 3 – max burpees (1:1)

Athlete 4 max KB swings (35/55) (2:1)

The team with the lowest combined total after the 2 events will be declared the Throwdown winner!!!!

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