Lets take a run at an old Open WOD today guys. This is from 2011, and was a great test of lungs, skill and mobility. Split up into 2 heats so that we can use counters and keep true to the culture and standards of the CrossFit Open.
Before you hit the Met-Con, take the first 20 or so minutes of class to hit a heavy-ish set of 5 overhead squats from the rack. Don’t max out, just hit something that will make the met-con feel light. In addition to working up on the overhead squat, work on any skills or progressions that you still need help on for the muscle up.
Muscle Up Met Con scales
Coaches Note** Scale suggestions
Pull-ups, Pull-ups + push-ups, chest to bar pull-ups, ring pull-ups + push-ups
Skill / Prep – 15 minutes
Hit a moderate to heavy 5 rep overhead squat
Muscle Up Practice
From the 2011 CrossFit Games Open
AMRAP in 10 minutes
60 Bar facing burpees
30 Overhead squats (120/90)
10 Muscle -ups