
For strength, you’ll do an alternating EMOM for 10 minutes (5 sets of each). Pick a bench press weight to use for all 5 sets – it should feel heavy, but very manageable for the first set since the goal is for it to make you work by the fifth set. For weighted pull-ups these should be strict. Some of you will probably need to do banded or just your bodyweight, but for those that have proficient strict pull-ups, use weights like dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight vests.
For the metcon, scale HSPUs to pike box, wall walks, or stink bugs.  The walking lunges should span 5 mats lengthwise (5x6ft) while holding a 45# or 25# plate overhead. The plate must be held above head level and not rest on any body part.


Alternating EMOM:
A.) 5×5 Bench Press
B.) 5×5 Weighted Pull-Up


AMRAP in 12 minutes:
7 Kettlebell Swings 70/55#
30ft walking lunges, 45/25#

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