Today’s alternating EMOM allows you to choose a proper weight for the power snatches – these should be heavy but doable for 3 reps. These should be heavy enough that you drop each one from the top instead of stringing them. Weights will range from 75-85%. Box jump heights should be similar – high enough to make concerted efforts for each.
The AMRAP includes power clean and jerks – we recommend power/push jerks instead of split jerks. (think about “Grace” and how you would do CJ’s for that) We’ll also take advantage of the sun and run outside!
Alternating EMOM for 5 sets:
3 power snatches (heavy)
4 box jumps (high)
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
8 power clean and jerks, 135/95#
200m run
Pavan 5 115#
Dinger 4+8 115#
Sam 5+1 RX
Rizzo 7+8 RX
K 6 105#
Lyon 5+1 RX
Dawn 4+6 70#
P 7+2 RX
Matt C 4+7 RX
Ditty 4 75#
Megs 4+5 Rx
Molly 4 65#
Grant 7+1 Rx
Gabe 5+8 Rx
Frank 4 rx
Melinda 3+2 55#
KT 6+8 rx
Wax 4+8 Rx
Robin 6+65#
Aileen 4+8 Rx
Kate 6+8 Rx