
Team up in 3’s – each of you will start at a different station and do AMRAP in 2 minutes of either rowing or the couplet. After 2 minutes, rotate (in order written). You’ll need to figure out how to keep track of reps (recommended method is to tell the next person where you left off) You will end up doing each station 3 times (9 x 2 minute rotations) Score each station separately.

In teams of 3, AMRAP in 18 minutes (rotate every 2 min.):

Station 1:
Row Calories

Station 2:
5 Power snatch, 115/75#
10 burpees-over-bar

Station 3:
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 KB swings, 70/53#

Level 2
Alt EMOM for 15 minutes

A. OHS x5 @60% 1RM
B. 5C2B Pull-ups +5 Toes to Bar
C. Row 200 M

rest > 10 min

Bar Muscle Up Practice
or accumulate 25 reps NFT

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