For those competing in Summer Slam, you know that one of the events is a series of hang cleans, so strength will be good practice. The hang clean starts with the bar between the knees and the hips and ends in a full squat and then standing up. Find a 2 rep, then a 1 rep.
Then, a classic workout from – if you Google “Nasty Girls” you can see three OG’s working out and killing it! Scale 7 muscle-ups to 14 pull-ups and 14 dips (dips may be from the rings, boxes, or parallettes) Hang power cleans do not have to be strung, but you should get around 5+. If you can’t, it’s too heavy.
Hang Clean
2, 2, 1, 1
“Nasty Girls”
For time:
50 air squats
7 muscle-ups
10 hang power cleans, 135/95#