
Today is for you powerlifters and former globo gym goers where strict was king. Use the beginning of class to find a 2-rep bench press. The AMRAP is unique in that it has strict pull-ups. For those that use bands, it should be fairly familiar, but for those who are used to kipping and butterfly, we need to make sure you also have strength for strict! Shoulder presses come from the ground and must be strict presses overhead. For those looking for an Rx+ challenge, you can try strict toes-to-bar (not easy!) Rings should either be setup low to the ground (a few inches above) or feet on a box so you’re fairly parallel to the ground for the ring push-ups.


Bench Press



AMRAP in 10 minutes:
2 strict pull-ups
4 shoulder presses, 95/65#
6 sit-ups*
8 ring push-ups

*Rx+ = strict toes-to-bar