Lets have some fun with this “sandwich” style chipper today. A couple of rules to pay by today guys, take a look. *Athletes must rotate every 10/8 calories on the rower. ** For Burpees over the bar, athletes must trade off reps 1:1. Aka, switch for each rep, you do one I do one.
OHS, Power Snatches and HSPU may be broken up anyway you like, so long as only one athlete works at a time.
Partner Chipper
For Time
25 Power Snatches (115/75)
Row 40/32 Cal*
50 Overhead Squats (115/75)
Row 40/32 Cal*
50 Handstand Push-ups
Row 40/32 Cal*
50 Burpees over Bar**
Row 40/32 Cal*
25 Power Snatches (115/75)