
Blackout week starts tomorrow, and it’s going to be one for the record books! If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check this out…. What do I (the athlete) have to do?  Absolutely nothing…..well, except for a few things. Don’t worry about what the WOD is, leave that to us, your coaches, just show up and be ready for anything, that’s the essence of CrossFit anyway.  Don’t tell your friends! No one wants to ruin a surprise “Hey TJ, you’re having a surprise party tomorrow” right?  Be cool, guys, let us of some fun with it and keep people in suspense.   Don’t worry about movements showing up that you might  not be able to do.  As always, we’ll scale as needed, just show up ready to work. Just to shed a little light on this weeks WODs, we’ll be seeing one hero WOD, a Painstrom and a...
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Take exactly 10 minutes to build to a heavy 3 rep Push Press, The next 10 minutes of class you’ll complete 2 jerks + 1 pause front squat at whatever weight you built up to. If working with a partner (due to rack space) move the weight up or down 10-20 pounds if needed for partnering needs. The Met-con is 3 mini AMRAPs with 1 minute of rest between each. Your score will be a running total of reps throughout the 3 pieces. Strength 0:00 to 10:00 Build to a heavy 3 rep Push Press 10:00 to 19:00 EMOM-  2 x Push Jerks using above weight + 1 Pause Front Squat (3 sec) Conditioning AMRAP in 3 minutes 10 Kettlebell Swings 10 Burpees rest 1 minute AMRAP in 3 minutes 10 Lunges 10 Push-ups Rest 1 minute AMRAP in 3 minutes 10 Kettlebell Swings 10 burpees
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Working on strength is important, but just spending time building to a heavy set can leave us frustrated. Today after you hit your heavy set, back off and work at 80%. This is training to get stronger guys, don’t try to PR today, try to get strong and move well. TNG = Touch and Go In CrossFit we need to be able to string our barbell movements together. Let’s practice hanging onto the bar today and find a heavy 3 rep TNG Power Clean. For the Met-con you’ll need to pull under the barbell and land in a squat, use a weight that will allow you to string some of these together. In between rounds and after the round of 9 complete 50 double unders. Strength Warm-up then Take 10 minutes to build to heavy 3 rep TNG power clean Take 10 minutes to complete 3×3 TNG power clean at...
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