
Its important to keep your squat strength up during Olympic lifting cycles.  Today just feel some heavy weight and build up to a moderate 5 rep on the back squat. Back Squat 5,5,5 Conditioning For Time 9-15-21 Burpees Power Snatches (115/75) Goblet Squats (53/35)  
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This Met-con can be done solo or with a partner (double the reps and work one at a time*) For Time Run 400M 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) Run 400M  50 Double Unders 50 Sit-ups Run 400M 15 Overhead Squats (95/65) 15 Burpees over bar Run 400M 21 KB Swings (53/35) 12 Pull-ups
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As a class you’ll have 20 minutes to complete the barbell cycling work prescribed. Rest as needed rotating on and off of bikes as they become available. CJ should be unbroken for all sets, scale to an appropriate weight for your level. Score is your slowest time for the day. When the clock hits 20:00 you’ll start 1/2 of Chelsea which is an EMOM. Each minute for 15 minutes you’ll complete 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups and 15 squats. Your score is how many rounds your completed on the minute. Barbell Cycling On the 0:00 for 4 total sets 8/6 Calorie Assault Bike 10 Clean and Jerks TNG (115/75) rest as needed between sets to insure 90-100% efforts on each sprint On the 20:00 “1/2 Chelsea” EMOM for 15 minutes 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats do all three moves on each minute  
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Double up on Met-cons today since we’re doing partner WODs. For the snychro burpees both athletes must have chest to deck at the same time for a rep to count. On calorie row, alternate every 10 cals. Back Squats and HSPU may be partitioned at will. After recovery you’ll be hitting a workout from this weekends Brawl in the Fall at CFKOP. Partner 1 completes the entire couplet then partner 2 goes. This is “You go I go” for the full 8 minutes. Sprint it out and get max rounds and reps! In teams of 2 for Time 50 Synchro Burpees 60 Calorie Row (alt every 10) 50 Back Squats (135/95) 40 Handstand Push-ups rest at least 8 minutes AMRAP in 8 minutes 35 double-unders 10 thrusters 65/95
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Two sets at 55%, two at 65% and another 2 at 75%. Starting from the ground, pull to knee and pause – “one one thousand, two one thousand”, pull to mid though, pause then pull to pockets and pause a final time. After the final pause, lower the bar to the ground, re-engage the bar and hit a full squat snatch. The purpose of this drill is reinforce positional awareness. Your bar path during the snatch should be exactly the same as it is during the pause rep. Snatch Work 3 Pause + Squat Snatch (1+1) 55% x (1+1) 55% x (1+1) 65% x (1+1) 65% x (1+1) 75% x (1+1) 75% x (1+1) Conditioning 21-15-9 Dead lifts 185/125 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Toes to Bar
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