
Start today with two pieces for strength, these components will be untimed. Working with a partner build up to a heavy set of 5 over 4 sets on the bench press, spotting for each other. In between bench sets, you’ll have another bar set up for reverse lunges. From the ground clean the bar into position and step BACK into a lunge, alternate for 3 reps per side each set, then head back to the bench. Strength Bench Press 5,5,5,5 paired with Front Rack Reverse Lunges (135/95) 6,6,6,6 Conditioning AMRAP in 10 Minutes 30 Double Unders 20 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Sit-ups
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Today starts with some barbell cycling work. Load a bar with 135/95 or a heavyish weight for your to complete 5 touch and go reps on the minute. Work on pulling under the bar and lowering yourself with each “catch”. Our met-con has a 1K row buy in, then we’ll work on the rest of the snatch by hitting some squat snatches from the hang. These are paired with toes to bar to work mid-line and tire your shoulders, as well as some bar hops to keep your heart rate up! This is is sprint hold onto the snatches for all 10 reps , and move FAST! Strength EMOM for 6 minutes Power Snatch x 5 (touch and go) (135/95) Conditioning For Time 1 K Row then 3 Rounds of 10 Hang Squat Snatches (75/55) 10 Toes to Bar 20 Lateral Bar Hops
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Hey guys, couple things going on this week…  Monday is Front Squat test day, GET IN HERE!!!  See how far your strength has come over the past 8 weeks. Tuesday at 6:45 is the return of Club Endure – be at the track and ready to run, and have some fun outside  I ordered a bunch of beef sticks from Bristol (cow share guy) they are amazing and will be in tomorrow if anyone wants some. $10 per pack SFH order is going in – sign up at the gym or on the FB feed. New cycle starts next week, details to come
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Today is the day! Let’s wrap up phase one of Titan with a max effort 1 rep Front Squat. This is a good day to spend extra time mobilizing for the squat, and dialing in the finer points of your lift. Before your take your attempt, consider doing a “walk out”. Add 10-20% more than you intend to lift, step out of the rack and hold steady for a few seconds, then return the bar to the rack, unload the bar and GO FOR IT. The idea is to trick your brain into thinking that your actual attempt “feels” light. As you progress to your 1RM attempt consider using the rep scheme 5,3,2,2,1,1,1. Test 1RM Front Squat For Time 10-1 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Burpee Pull-ups Thrusters (45/33) Cap 12 Minutes
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Alternating EMOM x 10 A. Rope Climb (1-2) B. Dead lift x 10 (155/105) Conditioning 21-15-9 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Sumo Dead lift High Pulls (75/55) Calorie Row (bike = RX +)
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