When you are a four season athlete there is no such thing as an off-season. If Colin wasn’t playing organized sports, his time was spent training in more exotic ones. He was certified to scuba dive, had snowboarded backcountry in Park City, and had surfed the Great Barrier Reef before he was legally allowed to drive a car. He was Captain of his Rugby and Soccer teams in high school and had completed a mini-triathlon before graduating. Colin went to West Chester University where he played Club Rugby and Soccer. Then the grown-up years began. “My entire life, I ate like an athlete. I was hungry all the time and I could eat anything and not gain a pound. The problem was when I finished school, I still ate like an athlete but my activity level dropped to zero.” Fast forward and Colin found himself in an office job at a desk all day, out of shape and well North of 220lbs. It took one bad beach picture, a cigarette in one hand and a beer in another, to give him the motivation he needed to get back in shape. He started at home with P90X and a poor attempt at his own nutrition plan but still managed to lose 20 lbs. In 2012 Colin walked into his first Crossfit gym. “Actually, that was my first time in ANY gym.” His sports background helped him pick up the CrossFit moves fairly quickly and he immediately gravitated towards the barbell. He joined the mainline barbell club and competed in a handful of Olympic lifting meets. Lifetime numbers include a 225# snatch, 300# clean and jerk, and a 435# back squat. He moved to Conshohocken and found Crossfit Thermal the same year they opened. He’s done the Crossfit Open every year since. Colin wants to thank all of the coaches and community members of CrossFit Thermal for all the motivation and support throughout the years. “Best part of my day is recovering on Thermals floor after a spicy WOD.”