CrossFit Thermal Muscle Up Clinic

Who is ready to stop putting the infamous Muscle Up on a pedestal and start knocking them out?  Back in 2011, this was one of those movements that you would see and think it was magic.  Fast forward to 2016 and the muscle up is a household name in the world of CrossFit.  What’s the secret?  We’re going to tell you on January 28th, so come join us at 11:00am at CrossFit Thermal.

The clinic will be led by Coach Vin and Thermal athlete Brian Hungarter.  We’ll show you how to use the famous “Hungarter Swoop” to accelerate and catch your muscle-ups without shooting your heart rate sky high.   Sam “The Butterfly”, will also be on hand to translate Vin and Brian’s rhetoric into thoughtful science and poetry.  We hope to see you there!

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