James, Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jimmy James Milton Bradley, whatever you call him, grew up down at the shore in Wildwood Crest where is first introduction to sports/athletics was fittingly surfing. With his dad pressuring him into more year long sports, he started playing soccer, baseball, basketball and played all baseball and soccer all the way through high school. (quit basketball sophomore year cause he was too short amongst the others). After growing up always on the move with sports and being active after high school attending Cabrini, he stepped back from sports (working out in general) and indulged in the typical “frat boy” college life, you know how it goes. It didn’t take until the 2020 COVID Pandemic to really restart his love for being active and working out when he decided to join CrossFit Conshohocken in October of 2020 and lost 60 lbs. in the process! After three years at CrossFit Conshy, he hasn’t looked back since and continues to love what CrossFit Conshohocken, the community and the sport bring to him.