July is in the rear view but Summer is still in full swing. Get ready, squad, we’ve got another month of sweaty workouts on tap! Here is what’s going on around the gym…
July highlights

We retested “Breaking Bad” the last week of the month and everyone absolutely crushed it. We had 8 PRs on the day. One of which was from “Coop”, who flew through the workout in 5:47. Coop said, “I didn’t think I could beat my old PR, or possibly go any faster.” I’d also like to recognize, Jonathan “JT” Tan for putting in an incredible effort with a time of 6:39. If that doesn’t impress you, you should know that the barbell in this workout is just about bodyweight for JT – pretty awesome!
The week before we had “Holleyman” on the docket. It was a big day for Jill A and Jamie, coming in with crazy fast times of 20:08 and 20:51 respectively. Sean and Tyler were on another level that day too, crushing the Hero workout with times right around the 17-minute mark.
On the skill development front, we saw the return of bar muscle ups for Mike Lanasa, and Katrina’s double unders seem to have come out of hibernation. Great stuff all around guys!

We’d also like to congratulate Coach Sam, as well as Sean F and Hannah M, for qualifying for the Common Wealth Games. We’ll be here to support you guys and cheer you on all the way up to the day of the competition.
Looking ahead at this month’s programming, we have two huge benchmarks on tap, and if you love the barbell, you’re gonna be a happy camper!
Don’t miss “DT” 8/10 last tested on 5/23/2022

And “Grace” 8/23, last tested on10/20/2020 – yeah it’s been a while for Grace, Vin is afraid of her and won’t ever sign off on programming it. Leaders for Grace are former coach Ryan W, and Jill A. Let’s see if anyone can chase them down.

The Forge / Open gym has picked up, and we wanted to thank everyone for sharing the space and “making it work” over there. We are a rare gym to offer open gym running concurrent with CrossFit classes. It speaks to our members, and their selflessness as to why we can continue to offer it the way we do. The CFC staff appreciates that, and the shift to not bailing bars over coaches coaching has made an incredible difference in the 7am and evening classes, nice work gang.
Looking forward to an incredible month around the gym, let’s get it.