
Take 20 Minutes to find your 1 Rep max Back Squat

3 Intervals each for time
500M Row
20 Front Squats (95/65)
ME Pull-ups (1 set)

*Immediately after the row, begin your front squats from the ground. Then complete 1 set of pull-ups. Pull-ups should be the biggest set you can do unbroken, without losing form. Recover between each round

7 Responses
      1. Vin

        yeah, I put your fastest round…not your best from each component. Intervals are never really about scoring, especially ones like this one. Just recover and go all out! Someone could potentially go slower on the squats and “rest” so they could get more pull-ups etc. It’s more about recording the BS number today and doing work in the conditioning.

  1. Coach P

    4:30 results
    PH 335/3:42 11 band
    Sizzle 225 PR/5:00/7
    Vin 365/-/10 c2b
    Lam 300/3:37/10
    Mike 315 PR/3:45/8
    Wood -/3:58/3
    Aileen 185 PR/4:55/6

  2. Coach P

    5:30 results
    Joe 265/4:00/5
    Shoeless 255/4:30/5
    Plentus 400/4:00/10 c2b
    Juliet 80/4:30/4
    Kate 215 PR/4:00/7
    Ashley 135×5/4:40/6
    John D 265

  3. Coach P

    6:30 results
    Drew 205 PR/4:28/10
    Pavan 205 PR/4:29 10 band
    Sam 205/3:53/23
    Meg 135 PR/4:20/10 band
    Johnny 295/4:05/10
    Lloyd 350 PR/3:57/15