We’re looking forward to having everyone in this Saturday for our annual “12 Days of Christmas” WOD. Our Saturday schedule will stay in tact with our classes running at 8am and 10am. 9am will remain open gym, but we won’t offer open gym during class times this weekend, lets have some fun and keep the focus on the event.
The workout; Without giving it away, all you need to know is that it will be long, it will have a barbell, and you will be on the rig. We’ll have plenty of scaling options as well as an option to do the workout with a partner. The format goes just like the song, you do 1 rep of the first move, then 2 reps of the second move and one of the first, and so on and so on until you reach the 12th day (movement) and have to run it all back to 1. You’ll see, its easy-ish.
The white elephant. If you bring a gift (not required) you’ll be able to be part of the fun. Everyone will get a number between, one and how many ever people we have. You will select a gift when your number comes around (go in order). You have the option to choose a gift from the pile, or take someone else’s gift. We go around until everyone has a gift and then call it a day. We hope to have a bunch of us here for this, it should be fun, remember the limit is $30 and we will do this twice, once for the 8am crew and once for the 10am. Thank you!