
Our strength portion focuses on finding a 5 rep touch-and-go power clean and jerk. This means you may not reset with the bar on the floor between reps. You may reset your hook grip in the hang though. Since you are going for 5 quick reps, a power or push jerk are preferable as opposed to a split jerk.

The metcon has a barbell complex, similar to DT. You’ll start with the bar on the ground, do 2 deadlifts, then go into 2 hang power cleans, then into 2 jerks. Scale the HSPU’s with stinkbugs or wall walks and scale the toes to bar with knee raises (if you have strong shoulders to hang from the bar) or 2x situps


15 minutes to get a 5RM Power clean and jerk


Using 80% of your 5RM from strength, AMRAP in 12 minutes:
2 deadlifts
2 hang power cleans
2 jerks
4 HSPU’s
8 toes to bar

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1 Response
  1. Vin

    Wax 135/ 4 + 8 Rx
    Grant 165/ 7 + 2 Rx
    Frank 115/9 + 6 sc
    Becca 80/7 + 2 sc
    KT 125/5 + 6 Rx
    Julia 80/ 5 + 13 sc
    Danielle 80/6 + 10 sc
    Sizzle 125/5 Rx
    P 175/ 8 + 3 Rx
    O 125/9 Rx
    Nate 125/4 + 11 Rx
    Amanda 90/ 10+4 sc
    Dawn 75/ 7 + 10 sc
    Britt 90/9 + 2 sc
    Panos did work
    Brian 145/ 7 + 11 Rx
    Molly 85/ 7 + 10 sc
    Shawn 155/ 6 + 6 sc
    Wood 155/ 7 + 10 sc
    Megs 105/7+3 Rx
    Ramon 115/4 + 6 sc
    John 165/6 + 2 sc
    Joe 175/ 8 115#
    Juliet 60/6 sc
    Dinger 125/7 + 8 sc
    Kate 135/8 + 6 Rx
    Deery 185/5 + 8 sc
    Aileen 100/7 + 1 sc
    Pavan 135/8 + 12 sc
    Meghan 85/9 + 10 sc
    Lloyd 185/7 + 13 Rx
    Molly O 65/7 sc
    Rizzo 195/9 + 2 Rx
    Shoeless 135/4 + 9 sb
    Greg form/ 10 sc
    Charm form/7 sc