
For strength, take 15-20 minutes working on the snatch complex. Both parts start in the hang and land either in the power position (above parallel) or squat position (below parallel). Hold onto the bar between each part (no dropping between the hang power and hang snatch)
The metcon is a sandwich: start and end with 75 double unders. The middle part is a couplet of heavy thrusters and burpees over bar. Scale double unders to about 2-4 minutes of attempts or a scaled number of doubles. Thruster weight should be heavy for at least a set of 5 reps.


Hang power snatch + hang snatch
1, 1, 1, 1, 1


For time:
75 double unders
Thrusters, 135/95#
Burpees over bar
75 double unders

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