Spend 10 minutes to find 3 heavy-ish sets of 5 shoulder press and then 10 minutes to find 3 heavy-ish sets of 5 overhead squats.
Conditioning should be a fairly fast workout – time cap is 10 minutes, so choose a weight that feels moderately heavy for deadlifts and choose a scale for pull ups where you can get them done without doing singles or doubles. Choosing a hard scale is fine if that’s what you want to work on, but the time cap is firm.
5, 5, 5 Shoulder Press
5, 5, 5 Overhead Squat
For time:
Deadlifts, 225/155#
Pull ups
time cap: 10 minutes
Nick 75/75 8:20 85 scale
Gerry 95/95 6:00 155#
Kevin 95/65 5:25 135#
Scott 105/form 7:15 115#
Molly 70/75 / 5:05 115 scale
Ditty 70/65 8:38 115 band
Amanda 70/65 6:10 135/band
Kate C 85/ tech 4:37 Rx
KT 85/105 5:52 Rx
Grant 135 /185 3:27 Rx
P 135/135 4:10 Rx
Rizzo 135/155 5:06 Rx
Dustin 130/130 7:43 Rx
Gabe 115/115 6:01 Rx
Dinger 100/did work 6:02 155# scale
Panos135/135 4:54 185
Vin 4:09 Rx