
For strength, take 15-20 minutes to find a 20 rep back squat. The best way to approach this is with a moderate cadence – do not try to do these reps quickly. Rather, take a breath at the top of each squat, take a controlled descent and quickly pop up to breathe again. We recommend not doing 20 reps for all of your warm up sets, but do at least one set of 20 to feel how much breathing matters.
For conditioning, the rep scheme increases by 5 KB swings each round and you’ll do 2x that amount of double unders.


Take 20 Minutes to find a 20RM Back Squat


AMRAP in 8 minutes:
5 KB swings, 55/35#
10 double unders
10 KB swings
20 double unders
15 KB swings
30 double unders
20 KB swings
40 double unders

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1 Response
  1. Vin

    Grant 200 / 5+20 Rx
    KT 125 / 6+3 Rx
    Roni 95 / 4+43 Rx
    Tanya 75 / 4+37 singles x2
    Ryan 165 / 3+15 Rx
    Amanda 110 / 4+50 Rx
    Moog 125 4+7 scale Du
    Nate 165 / 4+35 Rx
    Danielle 90 / 4+32 scale Du
    Gabe 205 / 5+4 rx
    PH 185 / 5+19 scale DU
    WW 145x 10 / 4+43 Rx
    Mike L 185 / 4+14 Rx
    Mike D 205 / 3+48 Rx
    Vin 205 / 5+25 Rx
    Dawn 110 / 4+35 du scale
    Frank 175 / 4+18 Rx
    Deeks 205 / 4+12 Rx
    Ron 225 / 5+12 mod row
    Aileen 125 / 5+9 Rx
    Justice 175 / 4+66 Rx
    Drew 135 / 5+9 scale DU
    Chris 95 / 5+28 scale DU
    Lam 165 / 5+13 Rx
    Johnny 155 / 5+3 Rx
    Matt S 95 / 3+47 35#
    Sizzle 135 / 3+21 Rx
    Stacey 75 / 3+12 28 scale
    Robin 90 / 4+3 Rx
    Russ 165 / 3+23 Rx
    Pavan 135 / 3+41 Rx
    Joe M 155 / 4+5 Rx
    Molly 75 / 6+7 scale / DU
    Meghan 95 / 5+10 sc/du
    Megs 125 / 5+5 45# Rx +
    Max Effort 90 / 5+18 scale DU