3/10/2016 – “Nasty Girls”

Find the heaviest weight you can do 5 power clean + jerks. Basically this is a ground to shoulder to overhead lift, so push presses are acceptable. These should be unbroken, meaning no reset on the ground, although you may reset in the hang or front rack positions.
Then, a classic workout from CrossFit.com – if you Google “Nasty Girls” (maybe CrossFit Nasty Girls?) you can see three OG’s working out and killing it! Scale 7 muscle-ups to 14 pull-ups and 14 dips (dips may be from the rings, boxes, or parallettes) Hang power cleans do not have to be strung, but you should get around 5+. If you can’t, it’s too heavy.


5RM Power clean + jerks


“Nasty Girls”
For time:
50 air squats
7 muscle-ups
10 hang power cleans, 135/95#

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