
The push press in our strength may be cycled quickly or you may reset between reps, both are acceptable. The conditioning consists of movements we may see later in the Open so let’s practice! For the burpee box jump over, do a burpee, jump on top or over the box and land on the other side. There is no standard of opening your hips/knees on top of the box since the goal is to get to the other side. You may do the burpees facing the box or to the side. Muscle ups should be scaled to chest to bar pull ups or pull ups.


Push Press
5, 5, 5


ME at each station. :45 on, :15 off for 4 total rounds:
burpee box jumps overs, 24/20″
thrusters, 115/75#
muscle ups

3 Responses
  1. Molly

    Nick – 155/ 72 @ 105#
    Mike D 205/ 59 RX
    KT – 130/ 83 sc
    Carter – 155/ 105 sc

    Nate – 135/ 85 @ 105#
    Gabe – 170/ 65 RX
    Gerry – 135/ 98 95#
    O – 155/58 @ 95# (bar MU)

  2. Aileen

    Chris K 85/112 sc 65#
    Frank 135/work pu 115#
    G 185/60 RX
    Vin 205/60 RX
    Molly 85/92 sc 45#
    Stacey 55/103 sc 35#
    Kristen R 55/114 sc 35#
    Amanda 100/90 kph 65#
    Juliet 75/100 sc 35#
    Ali 65/121 sc 45#
    Matt C 135/95 sc 95#
    Mike S 95/101 sc 65#
    Joe work
    Rizzo work

  3. Vin


    Dinger 125 / 98 85# scale
    Megs 95 / 91 mu scale
    Shawn 145 / 56 mu scale
    Brian 145 / 101 115 sc
    Lisa 60 / 154 35 sc
    Roni 95 / 110 scale 65#
    Ryan 170 / 61 sc
    Molly O 70 / 71 55 sc
    Aileen 105×4 153 55 sc
    Johnny 165 / 76 JMU
    Pavan 145 / 61 95 sc
    Dustin 155 / 106 115 sc mu