
For skill, attempt as many toes-to-bar as possible in 45 seconds, then rest/transition to as many rips dips as possible in 45 seconds. Switch back and forth for 10 minutes (5 sets for each movement) Score the toes-to-bar and ring dips separately for total reps.
For the metcon, you will have 2 minutes to row 250m and immediately get off to do as many thrusters as possible. Rest about 2 minutes (this may change based on class sizes and staggered starts) Your score is total amount of thrusters completed over 4 rounds.


:45 of work, :15 transition, alternating for 10 minutes:
ME toes-to-bar
ME ring dips


4 rounds:
2 minutes to complete:
250m row
ME thrusters, 125/85#

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