
high res-2014-12-20-CF Thermal 1st Anniversary-123455-IMG_9586

Saturday’s Open WOD involves OHS and chest to bar pull ups. Today, let’s work on mobility and gaining confidence with our OHS by finding a heavy 1 rep for strength. Have a friend check your depth as this will be important in the Open WOD. Then, conditioning consists of a good burner of power cleans, box jumps, and KB swings, but shouldn’t destroy you for 15.2 on Saturday.

Note for Saturday: Because heats will vary in length, we will have to be flexible with timing. We will run a group warm up at 9:10am, go over standards, and first heat will go off at 9:30am. Make sure you know which heat you are in and be ready with a judge/counter. And as Gabe said on Facebook, be ready to cheer too!


15 minutes to establish a heavy OHS


AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 power cleans, 135/95#
10 box jumps, 24/20#
15 KB swings, 55/35#

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3 Responses
  1. Molly

    Grant – 165/5+15 RX
    Carter – form/ 5+1 115#
    Smurf – 95/ 4+21 35 KB
    Mike D – 175/ 5+5 RX
    KT – 115/ 6+3 RX
    WAX – 135/ 5+13 95/sc

    Ryan – 95/ 15.2
    Moog – 135/ 3+18 115#
    Jesse – 225 BS/3+28 105#
    Ali – 70/ 4+13 85#
    Eric D – 185/ 5+7 RX
    Trish – 70/5 60#

  2. Molly

    Gerry – 125/4+15 115#
    Aileen – 90 PR/ 6+8 65#
    Matt C – 135 PR/ 4+15 115#
    Tanya – 65/ 4+9 45#
    John D – 205 PR/ 4+10 RX
    Ph – Did Work/ 5+1 RX
    Sizzle 185 PR/ 3+2 RX

  3. Aileen

    Frank 95/4+5 95#
    Danielle 105 PR/5+8 75#
    Megs 105/6+15 85#
    Kristen Rizz form/5+20 35#
    Rizzo did work

    Dinger form/4+1 95#
    Bob form/3+3 hpc 65# sc
    Molly O 60/5+13 65#
    Stacey 45/5+10 45# sc
    Max Effort 45/5+1 70#