Classic format with a twist today! 15-12-9 on the squat snatches, but only 9-6-3 on muscle ups. Scale the MU using appropriate progressions such as ring pull-ups, c2b pull-ups or even bar muscle ups. Riding the snatches down is ok, but will be considered a scale. Practice pulling under the bar quickly and with control.
Once we break down and have some time to recover we’ll be hitting 4 sets of accessory work on two different movements. Treat this like a super set, alternating between movements, but remember it is NOT for time. Switch up your grip on the rows between sets (over/under) weight listed is approximate, go by feel and use coaches to dial in.
For Time
Squat Snatch (115/75)
Ring Muscle Up
Accessory Work
A. 4×4 Bent Over Rows (50%1RM clean)
– alternate grips every other set
B. Strict Ring Dips (5-10)
– pair with rows treat as super set