
For Bench press today we are looking to work on upper body strength and muscular endurance. With a rep scheme of 10 and only 3 sets be sure to take ample rest between sets and use spotters. There are two pieces for conditioning today, each to be scored seperately. Push-presses should be moderate in weight, but you should be able to complete all 5 unbroken each set.


Bench Press


AMRAP in 5 min
5 Push Press 115#
15 box jumps, 24/20″

rest > 5 minutes

For time
1K Row

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3 Responses
  1. Vin

    Becca 70/2+18 55# – 4:38
    Sara 70 / 3+1 65# – 4:13
    Carter 160 / 4+1 Rx – 3:46
    Nick 155 / 4+1 Rx – 3:50
    Smurf 185 / 4 Rx – 4:02
    Tanya 60 / 3 +8 sc – 4:53
    KT 85 / 5 Rx – 3:48

    Nate 145/4 – 3:46
    O 240/3+2 95# 4:32
    Britt 75/3+19 65# / 4:07
    John 170 / 4+1/ 3:50
    Aly 60 / 3+15 55# / 4:18
    Plentus 190 6 Rx – 3:41
    Kate 105/5+7 Rx + 95# / 3:47
    Megs 80/ 4+16 SU 4:22
    Ditty 95×5 / 3+5 65# / 4:53
    Topher 135 / 2+18 95# / 4:12

  2. Aileen

    Becca 70/2+18 55# 4:38
    Sara 70/3+1 65# 4:13
    Carter 160/4+1 RX 3:46
    Nick 155/4+1 RX 3:50
    Smurf 185/4 RX 4:02
    Tanya 60/3+8 15# db pp 4:53
    KT 85/5 75# 3:48

  3. Coach P

    Matt S 125/3+20 75#/3:50
    Kelli 50/4+3 45#/4:42
    Heather 95/5+10 17″/3:50
    Lam 155/3+2 30″/4:06
    Sizzle 135/3+10 Rx/4:03
    Drew 155/5 Rx/3:32
    Pavan/155/3+40 Rx/3:48
    Craig 135/3+3 75#/3:45
    Deery 1 arm/5+7 1 arm/3:49
    Molly O. 65/5+11 55#/4:00
    Dinger 115/3 95#/3:53
    Vinny 225/work/3:26
    Sam 205/4+6 Rx/3:36
    Taylor 75/5 25# 12″/4:47