

Get outside today for some 200M runs! In addition we’ll be working through some heavy dead lifts, push-ups and box jumps. Scale to manageable weights on the dead lifts, quick singles are acceptable, but stay tight al the way through.

Once the met-con is over, let’s take some time to work on some muscle-ups. Determine where you are in your muscle up progression and focus on improvement today.AMRAP in 15 minutes

AMRAP in 15 minutes
200M Run
4 Dead lifts (315/225)
8 Push-ups
12 Box Jumps (24/20)


Not For Time
Accumulate Muscle Ups
A. 30 reps
B. 15 reps
C. 10 reps
D. Work Progressions
– Ring Kip Swings
– Hips to Rings
– MU Transitions
– Strict Pull-ups

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