This metcon is an ascending ladder straight up. As you move to the next movement, add one rep. Your score will be whatever you completed + extra reps. E.g. if you finished the 16 power cleans and got 4 of the next 17 pull-ups, your score is 16+4.
A: 5 x 2 box walks/inverted attempts
B: 5×2 wall walks/inverted attempts
C: 5×5 kipping, strict, or deficit HSPU’s
D: 10 x 1 handstand walk or 5×2 freestand HSPU
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
1 power clean, 135/95#
2 pull-ups
3 burpees
4 power cleans
5 pull-ups
6 burpees
7, 8, 9…10, 11, 12, etc.