
11223533_861215523925659_3032580128984112429_nAt the start of the Metcon, the coach will say 3-2-1 go, you will begin your burpees. When you reach 40, stop and wait for the 3 minute mark to begin the remaining Run + AMRAP. If you don’t reach 40 by that time, just make a mental note of where you are – you can “pay” for them later. Your result is your total number of reps including your initial set of burpees. So if you complete the 40 in time, then get one round you would have 51 reps (counting 1 rep for the suicide run and 0 for the 400M run)


Overhead Squat


With a running 12 minute clock
complete 40 burpees
At the 3:00 minute mark
Run 400 M
then AMRAP in remaining time
5 C2B Pull-ups
5 Burpees
1 Suicide Run

Penalty – athlete owes (3) burpees for every one missed on the initial set of 30 post WOD

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