
As next week will mark the end of Titan Phase 2, lets get close to our heavy 1 rep Overhead Squats today. You’ll be hitting 2 sets of 3 and 2 sets of 2, this should give you a good gauge as to where you will land next week on the retest. Add weight only as reps are perfect and continue to work drills and mobility if needed.

Our Met-con is a 7 minute AMRAP of Toes to Bar, burpees and Overhead Squats. Each minute including 0:00 you’ll complete 2 burpees and 8 overhead squats with an empty bar. Once you’ve completed the set, you have the remainder of the minute to complete max T2B reps. Your score will be total T2B reps.


Overhead Squat Work


AMRAP in 7 minutes

Toes to Bar

W/ EMOM of 2 burpees + 8 Overhead Squats (45/33)

* each time you drop an empty bar 1000 burpees

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