
Take about 20 minutes to get 3 heavy working sets of 5 bench presses. Then, conditioning is a simple triplet of deadlifts, push ups, and double unders. If you need to scale push ups, find an elevated surface to do them so you can have a full plank body. Scale for double unders is 3x single unders.


Bench Press
5, 5, 5


AMRAP in 12 minutes:
5 deadlifts, 225/155#
15 push ups
30 double unders

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2 Responses
  1. Molly

    Grant – 225/8+29 RX
    P – 215/9+20 RX
    Ditty – 85/3+16 115/sc
    Nick – 105/ 4+76 sc/singles
    Matt – 145/4+36 15:15:15 sc
    Gabe – 165/6+39 RX
    Joe – 145/4+20 RX