
For Strength today, we’ll be working on push press. Complete 2 sets of 5 increasing the load if needed. Then complete 2 sets of 3 with heavier weight in the same fashion. A good place to start if you have a true 1RM for your push press, is around 70-75% for your sets of 5 and 80% for your sets of 3.

Conditioning starts as an alternating EMOM, and ends as an AMRAP.  After the ninth round of the EMOM the 4 minute AMRAP will begin.  You’re result will be how you scaled the EMOM (reps, weight etc) + your total reps from the AMRAP.  For example ; Rx + 110.


Push Press


Alt EMOM for 9 minutes
A – 10 Burpees
B – 15 Wall Balls
C – 30 Double Unders

At 9:00 on the clock begin
AMRAP in 4 minutes

10 burpees
15 Wall Balls
30 Double Unders

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2 Responses
  1. Coach P

    Dinger 135/21+37
    Allie 55/28+40
    Juliet 75/32+67
    Dustin 170/35+65
    Grant 195/Rx 118
    Christian 165/40 +160
    Joe 195/45+70
    Matt C 195/Rx 67
    Will 125/32+49
    Murph 185/Rx + 66
    Sarah 75/30+35
    Ditty 95/work
    Pavan 175/31+39
    Matt S 135/Rx 37
    Drew 180/30ish+65
    Alex 185/Rx 69
    Deery 115/did work
    Craig 115/30+43
    John 135/40+78
    Vin 230/Rx 121
    Kelli 95/45+37
    Amanda 115×2 105/Rx 67
    Max Effort 100/35+42
    Molly 75/40+54
    Britt 115/30+40

  2. Aileen

    KT 125X3 / RX + 110
    Tanya 55/65/ 18+34sc
    Deeks 225×3 / du scale +75
    Lisa 65/70 / 20+40sc

    Frank 155 / RX+61
    Danielle 100 / RX+61
    Molly 95 / 37+46
    Ryan 135 / 45+45
    Jesse 120 / RX+65
    Moog squat
    O 135 / 50+77

    Brian D 45 / 67+67
    Doug 105 / 55+45
    Trish x / RX+63
    Aileen 115×2 / RX+80
    PH 205 / 35+47
    Taylor 115×2 / 70+85
    Sizzle 165 / 40+50
    Ali 90 / 40+41
    Brian R 165 / 51+51
    WW 165 / 50+50