
Take 20 minutes to find a new 1RM snatch. This may be a power or a full snatch, but it must be in one continuous motion from the ground. (Coach’s discretion when it comes to pressing out or riding down)
For the conditioning segment, deload the bar to 70% of your new 1RM. You’ll have 45 seconds to get as many power snatches as possible, then rest for 15 seconds. Then you’ll have 45 seconds to get as many push presses as possible and rest 15 seconds. Finally you’ll have 45 seconds to get as many front squats as possible and rest 15 seconds. Repeat another 2 rounds.


Take 20-25 minutes to find a 1RM Snatch for the day


9 minutes, :45 work, :15 rest rotating through:

Power snatches, 70% of 1RM

Shoulder to Overhead, same weight

Front Squat, same weight”