
We’ve done 20 rep back squats before, so check your wodify history in case you have a number to beat. These shouldn’t be treated as very fast squats. Take your time in between reps and be sure to breathe. If you’re doing it right, it should start getting tough around rep 13. Don’t do 20 reps each set – figure out a safe number to start at and establish a weight (especially if you’ve never done this before). Your total 20 rep sets should only be 2 or 3. (That’s 40-60 squats!)
The metcon is a quick, heavy workout. Thrusters should be heavy where you probably will break it up in 2 or 3 sets for the 15s. Scale toes-to-bar to limited range of motion or V-ups.


20RM back squat


For time:
thrusters, 135/95#

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