
The beginning of class will focus on strength and skill. Warm up to a heavy 5 rep back squat and maintain that weight across 4 sets. Alternate those with handstand practice – kicking up to a wall and doing a handstand hold, wall walks, handstand push ups, kipping handstand push ups, handstand walks, freestanding handstands, etc.
The metcon starts with 10 heavy KB swings and then max effort burpees in the remaining time of that minute. Then, rest one minute. You are trying to accumulate as many burpee reps as possible in 6 rounds. If there is a large class, you may partner up and alternate minutes for the metcon.

Strength / Skill

Alternating for 4 rounds:
5 Back squats (heavy)
Handstand practice


6 rounds for reps:
In 60 seconds:
10 KB swings, 70/55#
ME burpees in remaining time
rest 1 minute

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1 Response
  1. Coach P

    K 135/60 62#
    Julia 105/54 55# russian
    Oleg 185/77 Rx
    Tanya 85/48 35# russian
    Mike D 225/53 55#
    Frank 205/52 Rx
    Ryan 215/34 55#
    Moog 175 PR/37 55#
    Danielle 100/67 44#x7
    Jesse 175 PR/63 53#
    Shannon 105/61 35#
    Robin 100/63 55# russian
    Russ 185/48 Rx
    PH 225
    Dawn 115/50 44#
    Kate 175/98 Rx
    Molly 115/72
    John D 225/60Rx
    Plentus 285/100 Rx
    G-baby 265/97 Rx
    Matt 195/51 55#
    Amanda 125/74 35#
    Ramon 145/71 45#
    Ben 195 65/55#
    Nate 165/72 55#
    Pavan 155/62 55#
    Dinger 185/59 55#
    Dustin 230/78 55#