As a child, Michael was a bit pudgy and slow. Growing up in Maryland meant lacrosse was in the future. In about 3rd grade, Michael began swimming, playing football, and lacrosse. Participating in those sports meant he got faster and leaner, but he was not very graceful. In high school Michael continued football, lacrosse and swimming with football being his favorite. However, in his senior year of High School, he tore all the ligaments in his right knee and was told he would be lucky to walk again. Surgery was scheduled the day after the injury, and Michael lost 20 lbs in 4 days. The remainder of the year was spent in rehabilitation learning to walk again.
Then it was off to Drexel. Michael’s priority was not academics, hence ballooning to 205lbs and the struggling to stay in shape; off to the real world and work. Fortunately, he had a boss that dragged him to the gym by his ears and he was able to get back into shape but it wasn’t enough. Fast forward to 2017 and a trip to the doctor – high cholesterol and build-up in his arteries. This discovery encouraged him to make some drastic changes. May of 2017, Michael made the call to Vinny, who told him come in for an evaluation. After the first WOD, Michael was hooked. He could barely move, required a great deal of coaching, and lots of time with the PVC pipe but slowly progressed. The sense of community and encouragement from everyone was intoxicating, especially the 6am crew, and all the coaches are supportive patient. After a workout on Friday or holiday, you feel like you are in Dom Toretto’s backyard for a BBQ and Corona. Michael’s vitals are now normal and all is well so that he can spend more time on the boat with his wife and embarrass his 3 kids.