Coming out of Main Event “Tag Team” we will start out with 2 shooters. Shooter Event 5 The Rat Race This event will require 3 participants per team – any gender. At the call of 3-2-1 GO, the first athlete will bear crawl 160ft, they will tag the lunge athlete, who will do the same and the 3rd athlete will finish with the handstand walk portion. First team to complete this relay race wins! Bear Crawl 160ft (down and back) Lunge Walk 160ft Handstand Walk 160ft Shooter Event 6 Muscle Up Face Off This event will require 2 participants per team – 1 male and 1 female. At 3,2,1 GO all four contestants will begin an AMRAP for :90 on Max Ring Muscle-Ups (2 each) The winning team is the team with the highest total. Main Event 4 “Stealing Home” At 3,2,1 GO, the first of 5 athletes will begin,...
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