
Run through this chipper by completing all 50 reps of the movement before moving onto the next. The catch is that every minute you need to do 2 power cleans. The weight of the power clean should be about 55-60% of your max. Anything more and it will get too heavy after awhile to keep moving. For time: 50 push-ups 50 KB swings, 53/35# 50 double unders 50 burpees EMOM 2 power cleans, 135/95#
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Hey guys, I’d like to thank Brian Duross and Coach Mooney for putting this together.  Here is some great new gear from East Bay and Nike!  
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In the beginning of class, work up to and do three sets of five back squats. The weight used should be the same for all three sets. If you drop the weight for the second or third set, that is your recorded weight. For the metcon, you will have four minutes to run 400m and do as many wall balls as possible in the remaining time. Rest two minutes and repeat. Score each round separately. Strength Back Squat 5-5-5 Conditioning 2 rounds for reps: In 4 minutes: 400m run ME wall balls, 20/14# rest 2 minutes
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Today’s workout is a “Fight Gone Bad” format – you’ll run through these stations trying to do as many reps at each station as possible in one minute. At the end of five stations, rest for 1 minute. Repeat the process for a total of 3 rounds. Your score is the total reps for all three rounds. ME at each station for 1 minute. Total of 3 rounds with 1 minute rest at end of each round: thrusters, 95/65# KB swings, 70/53# toes-to-bar burpees box jumps, 24/20″
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Strength today is a “death by” snatch. You will do 1 snatch on the first minute, 2 snatches on the second minute, etc. until you cannot complete the required amount in the given minute. Snatches may be power or squat. Weight should be moderately heavy (about 75%) After that we have a cash out rowing sprint. Strength / Test Death by snatch, 135/95# Conditioning ME 1500M Row
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