
Start the week with an alternating EMOM of 2 high skill movements.  If you catch you’re snatches high, add an overhead squat.  If you’re proficient with T2B, go unbroken here, if not treat this is as skill time and start stringing em! The Metcon is a 10-1, 1-10 style workout.  You’ll do 11 reps total each round.  For example, when you do 7 power snatches, you’ll complete 4 box jump overs. Strength / Skill Alternating EMOM for 12 minutes: A) 2 snatches, heavy B) 10 toes-to-bar Conditioning For Time 10-1 1-10 Power Snatches (135/95) Box Jump Overs (30/24″)
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A 1 1/4 front squat is taken from the rack, then you go to the bottom of your squat, come up to just below or at parallel, then bounce back to the bottom and all the way back up. This trains coming up from the bottom of a clean. Do three heavy sets of three (which will really feel like six squats) Then get in teams of 3 and row as many meters as possible in 12 minutes. Switch off after every 150 meters and maintain the same order. Strength 1 1/4 Front Squats 3, 3, 3 Conditioning In teams of 3, row AMAP (as meters as possible) in 12 minutes.
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Use a heavier KB weight than you normally would for workouts, even if you need to do Russian swings (to eye level). We want to practice swinging a heavier bell so it gets easier over time! Try not to use the run as “rest” – actually run! 5 rounds for time: 400m run 20 wall balls, 20/14# 15 KB swings, 70/53#
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The sumo deadlift starts with your feet wider than squat width and a very upright torso. Compared to a conventional deadlift, you’ll be using much more of your glutes for this. Many powerlifters prefer this technique over a conventional deadlift because the bar doesn’t have to travel as far off the ground. These sets of 3 are touch-and-go – no resets in the bottom. The metcon should be treated as a sprint – a quick 500m row, 30 burpees as quickly as you can, and then 20 power cleans. Strength Sumo Dead lift 3,3,3 Conditioning For time: 500m row 30 burpees 20 power cleans, 135/95#
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Use the beginning of class to work on mobility for the handstand push-ups and overhead squats. Since this is a longer time domain, don’t go out of the gates in a full sprint – find a good pace for the movements and settle in. Scale HSPUs to things like wall walks, pike HSPUs on a box, stinkbugs, etc. Weight for the overhead squat should be manageable enough to do all 7 unbroken, or two sets at most. AMRAP in 17 minutes: 7 HSPUs 14 KB swings, 53/35# 7 OHS, 95/65# 14 box jumps, 24/20″
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