
Get into groups of 3 – each of you will start at a different station and try to accumulate as many reps as possible. Ground to Overhead implies either snatches or clean and jerks. (Stronger athletes should challenge themselves to snatches at the Rx weight) Clean and jerks are “Grace” style – power cleans and push presses or push jerks. KB step ups are holding a kettlebell anyhow and stepping up on a box. After 60 seconds, switch stations. Your score is the total amount of reps accumulated, so figure out how your team will keep track of numbers!  In teams of 3, ME in 60 seconds at each station for 15 total minutes: Rowing (calories) Ground to Overhead, 135/95# KB step ups (53/35 to 24/20″)
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For the EMOM, you will switch between strict pull-ups and skater strides. If you need to scale pull-ups, use a band or do ring rows. Rx skater strides are 4ft wide (1 mat) but scale the width as needed. Your score in Wodify will be total reps for each movement. For the metcon, you may partition it anyway that you want – like  (21-15-9) or in sets of 5, or straight through with 45 deadlifts and 45 Toes to Bar. You can change it up in the middle of the WOD as well. EMOM for 10 minutes: A) ME strict pull-ups in :30 B) ME skater strides in :30 Conditioning For time, partition as necessary: 45 deadlifts, 225/155# 45 Toes to Bar
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Today is a rest day for the weightlifting crowd in Rio. Let’s take the class to find new a new Clean and Jerk 1RMs.  For those still new to the lift, use this time to practice (including different variations like hang power, or hang clean, etc) You’ll have 30 minutes to work on this.  As usual, work on the squat variations, but since it’s a personal max, you may do power cleans. Strength 1RM clean and jerk Conditioning 12-9-6-3 Box Jump Overs (24/20) Cleans (165/110) Ring Dips
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After yesterday’s max efforts, it’s time for a classic CrossFit style metcon. This is a workout designed by Pat Sherwood of CrossFit Linchpin. He has a series of 12 tests and this is test #6. Scale pull-ups as needed (banded, jumping, ring rows, etc) and HSPUs (wall walks, pike box, stink bugs, etc) 4 rounds for time: 21 wall balls, 20/14# 18 pull-ups 15 KB swings, 53/35# 12 HSPUs
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With the Olympics going on, we will be doing our own version of Olympic events. Today, we’re having our own custom CF Thermal Pentathlon. You will do these tests in the order written and will have some rest between events. You’ll start with doing as many double unders as possible in 2 minutes. Everyone will attempt double unders, even if your score is 1 or even 0. (motivation to get your first!) Then you’ll rest a bit and row 250m as fast as you can. Set the computers to 250m so you have an exact time. After that it’s max effort broad jump. Using a tape measure, start with your toes on a line and jump as far forward as possible. Your distance is wherever your back heel lands (NFL Combine rules) You have 3 attempts at a broad jump. After that you will run 800m for time (coaches will...
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