
Build up to a heavy or max snatch in the first part of class. Then we have a benchmark: “Isabel.” This is 30 snatches for time and is intended to be power snatches. If you cannot do the prescribed weight, use about 75% of your 1 rep. Strength 1RM snatch Conditioning “Isabel” 30 snatches, 135/95#
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The arm and chest muscles tend to reach failure much quicker than the leg muscles, so hitting a 10 rep max is tricky. If you fail at rep 7 or 8, you’ve just expended a lot of energy and will need to drop a significant amount of weight off the bar. Make smaller jumps as you’re progressing and be conservative with your first attempt at a 10 rep max. The metcon is a simple couplet of deadlifts and push-ups. You may need to scale the number of push-ups per round. Strength 10RM Bench press Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 10 deadlifts, 225/155# 25 push-ups
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This workout is done in teams of 4. Within that team of 4, you will work in pairs. One pair (Pair A) runs 400m while the other pair (Pair B) starts on the AMRAP. Pair B starts with 5 rope climbs, but only one person may work at a time. Switch off whenever is needed. If you finish the rope climbs, move on to the 25 box jump-overs in similar fashion. When Pair A comes in from the run, they take over the work while Pair B goes out for the 400m run. Your score as a team will be rounds + reps. For scaling, do 3 rope pulls for every rope climb. If you need to do single unders, just do a 1:1 ratio (i.e. count each single under as a double under for counting purposes). The box jump overs simply mean you need to jump from one side...
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For strength, the sequence is a power clean, then a full clean, then a jerk. The jerk may be anyway you’d like. The metcon is designed similarly to “Jackie” except we are doing wall balls (instead of thrusters) and bar muscle-ups (instead of pull-ups). If you cannot do a bar muscle-up, then do 30 pull-ups. Strength Power clean + clean + jerk Conditioning For time: row 1000m 50 wall balls, 20/14# 15 bar muscle-ups
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Take the beginning of class to work on your HSPU efficiency and power snatch form. Box jumps should be higher than normal. This is a longer workout, but treat each movement so you conserve your energy! AMRAP in 18 minutes: 6 HSPUs 8 box jumps, 30/24″ 10 power snatches, 115/75# 12 burpees
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1 146 147 148 149 150 246