
An olympic lift, a gymnastic movement, and a monostructural component – these are the three types of movement we think about when programming. Since this is a longer workout, you will want to pace this out and decide how to break up the reps. Those stronger/more proficient will be able to do these unbroken for at least the first few rounds, but since it’s a longer workout, maybe you break up earlier than you need to. The run shouldn’t be a sprint, but don’t treat it as a light jog either. AMRAP in 25 minutes: 7 clean and jerks, 155/105# 14 HSPUs run 400m
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The pause in each back squat should be 3 seconds – have a partner count it out for you once you reach the bottom of your squat. Overhead squat weight should be light to moderate. Scale toes-to-bar to V-ups, especially if sore from yesterday. Strength Pause back squat 5, 5, 5 Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 20 overhead squats, 95/65# 20 toes-to-bar
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“Lynne” is a benchmark workout where you will try to get as many bodyweight bench presses (scale weight accordingly) as possible, then immediately get on a pull-up bar and do as many pull-ups as you can. You should treat each as a true max effort – no gaming the system and “saving” it for the later rounds! If you need to scale, do so in order to get about 10-15+ of each movement in the first round. An exception to this is if you want to Rx this and simply see what you’re capable of. “Lynne” 5 rounds, no time component: ME bench press, BW (male) or 3/4 BW (female) ME pull-ups
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CrossFit Thermal – Endurance Nice mix of some medium and short distances on tap for the gang today. Part A – 4x400M Every 4 minutes run a 400M. This means if you run a 1:29 400, you will have 2:31 of rest before you next one – that is PLENTY of rest so these should be FAST!! Record fastest time to WODIFY Part B – Team Sprints 2x900M Form a team of three. Partners A and C will be on one end of the 100M and Partner B will be on the other end. Partner A starts off and SPRINTS to tag B who then runs back and tags C. Continue until you have completed 900M or 300M individually. Part C – Hamstring mobility 400m Run (Time) Max Effort 400m Run
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For this chipper both teammates can be working at the same time, however only one person can work on a movement at a time. Example: On 3,2,1 go… P1 begins with wallballs while P2 begins with deadlifts. They both go to 40 reps and then switch. P1 does the remaining deadlifts while P2 finishes the wallballs. The workout continues in this fashion until all reps are completed. The 75’s must be completed before the 60’s are started and the 60’s must be completed before the 45’s are started. You will be required to change your own weights during the workout. “Sea Legs and Rubber Arms” For time (13 min cap): 75 wall balls, 20/14# 75 deadlifts, 205/135# 60 box jumps, 24/20″ 60 toes-to-bar 45 snatches, 115/75# 45 chest-to-bar pull-ups
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