For this chipper both teammates can be working at the same time, however only one person can work on a movement at a time. Example: On 3,2,1 go… P1 begins with wallballs while P2 begins with deadlifts. They both go to 40 reps and then switch. P1 does the remaining deadlifts while P2 finishes the wallballs. The workout continues in this fashion until all reps are completed. The 75’s must be completed before the 60’s are started and the 60’s must be completed before the 45’s are started. You will be required to change your own weights during the workout. “Sea Legs and Rubber Arms” For time (13 min cap): 75 wall balls, 20/14# 75 deadlifts, 205/135# 60 box jumps, 24/20″ 60 toes-to-bar 45 snatches, 115/75# 45 chest-to-bar pull-ups
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