
Find a 1 rep thruster from the ground. You may clean it into a full squat to do the thruster or power clean it and then start your thruster. After that, deload for the metcon to a reasonable weight. You don’t have to string all 20 but you should pick a weight to do at least 10 unbroken. Strength 1RM Thruster Conditioning For time: 20-16-12-8-4 Thrusters, 95/65# Burpees over bar
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For the EMOM, choose the number of snatches based on your proficiency with the lift. For instance, a new person should do 4 snatches or even 4 power snatches + OHS, while an experienced person may choose to go heavy and only do 1 or 2 reps per minute. Treat this as proficiency practice, not “I need to lift the most weight.” The metcon has built in rest, but your score is total time, so you’ll have to keep track of the 1 minute of rest on your own. For instance, let’s say you do 10 deadlifts, 12 toes-to-bar, and 14 pull-ups in 1 minute. Then you’ll rest until 2:00 and start the second round of 10/12/14. Let’s say you do this round slightly slower, so you finish at 3:30. Then rest until 4:30 and continue with the third round. Your total time finishes with the 14th pull-up (not the...
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In teams of two, run through this AMRAP in 30 minutes. Work must be completed in order as written, but only one partner works at a time. Rest is up to you. For instance, one team may split the HSPUs while another team has one partner do all HSPUs. The run must be done together – the medball must be carried in any fashion by one or two of the partners. With a partner, AMRAP in 30 minutes: run 400m w/medball 20 HSPUs 30 box jumps, 24/20″ 40 wall balls, 20/14#
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Take 15-20 minutes to find a 5 rep overhead squat out of the racks. If you find mobility lacking, work on it in between sets. For the metcon, strict sit-ups should be done with arms folded across the chest and knees bent with feet flat on the ground. For a rep to count, you cannot move your hands off your chest, nor lift the feet. In other words, any “help” from the arms or legs is a no rep. Scale 1 rope climb to 3 rope pulls. There will be a 15 minute time cap (incomplete reps will be added to your time e.g. 15:10 for if you had 9 burpees and 1 rope climb left) Strength 5RM OHS Conditioning 4 rounds for time: 20 strict sit-ups 15 KB swings, 53/35# 10 burpees 1 rope climb 15 minute time cap
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Find the heaviest weight that you can do 4 deadlifts + 1 clean. The clean should include a full squat in it. For the metcon, you can do either power or full cleans, but these should be heavy as there is only a total of 15 reps for that movement. Scale push-ups and double unders accordingly. Strength 4 deadlifts + 1 clean Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 5 cleans, 185/125# 25 push-ups 50 double unders
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1 152 153 154 155 156 246