
When is the last time you tested your baseline? Well today you get the chance. Except since you’re more fit than the first day you walked in here, you’ll do it at least twice. With a running clock (and possibly heats), do the baseline workout. Rest exactly 5 minutes and repeat. If you are fast enough to do BOTH attempts under 5 minutes each, then rest 5 minutes and repeat a 3rd time. If one or both of your attempts were over 5 minutes, then you will only do the baseline twice. Record your fastest score as official, but type the other times in the Notes section. “Baseline” 500m row 40 air squats 30 sit-ups 20 push-ups 10 pull-ups rest exactly 5 minutes. Repeat. If both efforts were under 5 minutes, rest 5 minutes and repeat a third time.
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For strength, find a 1RM overhead squat from the racks. Then, partner up and do the following triplet. One person performs 10 OHS, 10 pull-ups, and 10 box jumps, then their partner goes. Alternate in this fashion for as many rounds as you can in 14 minutes. OHS should be light – move almost as fast as air squats Strength 1RM OHS Conditioning In partners, alternating AMRAP in 14 minutes: 10 OHS, 75/55# 10 pull-ups 10 box jumps, 24/20″ Level 2 5RM front squat (20 min) ALT EMOM x 12 12 Cal Row 10 Strict Press (95/65) 10 Burpees over bar
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This workout starts with a 1k row. You will get off the rower and immediately begin KB swings and wall balls. During this couplet, do 5 burpees every minute on the minute. If it takes you longer than 30 seconds to perform the burpees, scale to 3 burpees EMOM. For total time: 1k row then, 5 rounds of: 15 KB swings, 70/53# 15 wall balls, 20/14# EMOM 5 burpees (except for row)
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Get three sets of five heavy bench presses in – go for a max if you’re feeling good. The metcon is a couplet of handstand push-ups and front rack lunges. You’ll have to clean the bar from the ground into the front rack position; each leg counts as a rep. Strength Bench Press 5, 5, 5 Conditioning For time: 5-10-15-20 HSPUs Front rack lunges, 125/85#
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We are kicking off endurance season with a two part work out.  The first part is a baseline test to get a sense for where your times are on the 400M and 800M – we will use these times to measure progress throughout the season.  The second part is to get you moving with “Death By 20M”.  A play on Death By 10M but just a little longer.  For those that aren’t familiar, here’s how it works:   use a continuously running clock and run 20 meters (one length, from cone to cone)  the first minute, run 40 meters the 2nd minute (2 lengths), 60 meters at the 3rd minute… etc.  If you are unable to complete the full amount of work in the minute, take the next minute off and restart.  Your score is the last full round completed. Part A: Baseline test – 400M for time, Full Recovery, 800M...
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1 162 163 164 165 166 246