For the alternating EMOM, warm up your clean to a weight that you can use for all 6 sets (3 reps per set). You may string or do singles for these. For ring dips, choose a number/scale that works for you. For instance, someone proficient in ring dips might do 10-15 per set while someone new to ring dips might do 5-10 box dips. For the AMRAP, the CJs may be “Grace” style with power cleans and push jerks. Scale HSPUs accordingly, but challenge yourself since this is an AMRAP. Alternating EMOM for 12 minutes: A. 3 cleans, heavy B. ring dips Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 1 clean and jerk, 155/105# 2 HSPUs 2 clean and jerks 4 HSPUs 3 clean and jerks 6 HSPUs 4,8..5,10..etc.
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