
Team up in 3’s – each of you will start at a different station and do AMRAP in 2 minutes of either rowing or the couplet. After 2 minutes, rotate (in order written). You’ll need to figure out how to keep track of reps (recommended method is to tell the next person where you left off) You will end up doing each station 3 times (9 x 2 minute rotations) Score each station separately. In teams of 3, AMRAP in 18 minutes (rotate every 2 min.): Station 1: Row Calories Station 2: 5 Power snatch, 115/75# 10 burpees-over-bar Station 3: 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups 10 KB swings, 70/53# Level 2 Alt EMOM for 15 minutes A. OHS x5 @60% 1RM B. 5C2B Pull-ups +5 Toes to Bar C. Row 200 M rest > 10 min Bar Muscle Up Practice or accumulate 25 reps NFT
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For the alternating EMOM, warm up your clean to a weight that you can use for all 6 sets (3 reps per set). You may string or do singles for these. For ring dips, choose a number/scale that works for you. For instance, someone proficient in ring dips might do 10-15 per set while someone new to ring dips might do 5-10 box dips. For the AMRAP, the CJs may be “Grace” style with power cleans and push jerks. Scale HSPUs accordingly, but challenge yourself since this is an AMRAP. Alternating EMOM for 12 minutes: A. 3 cleans, heavy B. ring dips Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 1 clean and jerk, 155/105# 2 HSPUs 2 clean and jerks 4 HSPUs 3 clean and jerks 6 HSPUs 4,8..5,10..etc.
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We haven’t tested our 1 rep conventional deadlift since last year! (12/31/15) Take your time and really tighten everything up when you go for that max lift! This includes legs, hips, lower back, lats, grip…even you’re neck! It all matters. We have two cash outs – tabata pistols and double unders. Both are accumulated reps – so total reps across all eight sets (one number for pistols and one for double unders) You can use any leg for pistols. Scales include holding onto a bar for balance, descending to a box, or doing partial range of motion. Holding a counter weight will be considered Rx as long as you are below parallel. Test 1RM Deadlift Conditioning Tabata pistols rest 1 minute Tabata double unders
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